·Ⅳ·PrefaceToday, the industry market is facing the fourth industrial revolution. It is a big challenge but alsogreat opportunity for every manufacturer to step in to the next level of manufacturing. The “Industry4. 0” concept and “Made in China 2025” strategy is the lighthouse for the future industry developmenttrend. Based on the Digital Manufacturing, “ Industry 4. 0 ” combines the virtual planning,development and efficient manufacturing together, to optimize production cost, reduce time-to-market,increase flexibility and finally to enhance the global comprehensive competitiveness of manufacturer.Electrification, automation and digitalization are the key requirements and SIEMENS addressesthat concept with the innovative ‘Totally Integrated Automation TIA ’ platform. Based on thecomplete product portfolio, TIA offers consistent data management, global standards and uniform interfacesfor hardware and software. TIA also ensures high-efficiency interoperability for all automationcomponents, and an integrated solution for each automation task.In order to efficiently realize the TIA concept, SIEMENS has developed the engineeringsoftware platform - Totally Integrated Automation Portal. TIA Portal is a milestone in the history ofindustry automation software, because it’s the first industry automation software which can integrateall automation tasks into one single platform. Based on the integrated engineering, the uniform industrialdata management, the consistent industrial communication, and the integrated industrialsecurity and safety, TIA Portal brings user great added value to reduce engineering and commissioningtime, increase system scalability and ensure faster time-to market.Siemens has a great variety of controllers to fulfill all needs of automation requirements andtasks. The new generation of SIMATIC controllers, comprising Basic S7-1200 Controller, AdvancedS7-1500 Controller, Distributed ET 200SP Controller and Software controller, expandsthe family of SIMATIC controllers and impresses with its scalability and integration. Users benefitfrom uniform processes and high efficiency during engineering, operation, and maintenance.S7-1200 basic controllers have been in the market more than eight years and more and morefunctionalities and new modules have been launched during the recent years. In order to support youto master the common functions in a better way, we invited Siemens product and technical experts toedit this S7-1200 and TIA Portal Textbook. They did an in-depth analysis on product features andcombined their own engineering experience to give you the easiest entrance and fast implementationsuccess for S7-1200 applications. I would like to show my appreciation to their great efforts.With the support of this book, I wish you enjoy an intuitive experience with the TIA Portal andthe innovative new SIMATIC controller generation.Siemens Ltd., China Digital Factory Division Factory AutomationHead of Product & Portfolio ManagementMoritz Mauer2017. 9·Ⅴ·前言SIMATIC S7-1200 PLC 是西门子TIA 博途平台中的新一代基本型控制器。自2009 年上市以来, SIMATIC S7-1200 PLC 因其紧凑的外观设计、灵活的硬件扩展、强大的通信能力和丰富的功能等特点, 深受用户欢迎, 已广泛应用于纺织、包装、太阳能、暖通空调、陶瓷、电池、电子装配、智能楼宇、物流和热网等行业。SIMATIC S7-1200 PLC 适合于中小型设备和简单工艺段的控制, 对于更为复杂的应用, 可使用SIMATIC S7-1500 PLC, 不仅无缝集成了SIMATIC S7-1200 PLC 的功能, 而且确保统一的工程平台, 提高了工程组态及操作维护效率。
在本书即将出版之际, 特别感谢西门子中国 有限公司数字化工厂集团工厂自动化部产品总监莫瑞茨Moritz Mauer 先生为本书撰写序言。同时, 本书得到了西门子工厂自动化工程有限公司工业客户的服务部客户服务中心相关领导及众多同事的大力支持和指导。
本书由段礼才主编, 参加编写的有黄文钰、徐善海、朱玮、王广辉、张鹏飞、庞开航、孙洁、李伟、周洋等, 他们对本书的编写和审校付出了辛勤劳动, 在此一并表示感谢。
无论您是学习使用SIMATIC S7-1200 PLC 的初学者、有一定使用经验的工程师, 还是大中专院校相关专业的师生, 《西门子S7-1200 PLC 编程及应用指南》都可以给您提供借鉴和参考, 为您工程或