推荐序1本人已从事通信理论的研究与教学工作二十多年,曾承担多项国家级科研项目以及与企业合作开发项目,在通信系统设计、算法优化和协议实现等方面积累了一些经验。应该讲,所有通信系统都存在安全问题,通信系统安全问题涉及设备安全、内容安全和防护安全等,各种安全措施伴随着通信和网络技术的发展而发展,特别是当今互联网技术的发展引发的安全问题越来越突出。近年来,国家层面对网络空间安全越来越重视,无线电的安全问题也越来越受到政府、企业和公众的关注。伪基站、非法广播电台,已经真实地影响到普通老百姓的生活。并且,随着软件无线电技术的发展,无线通信协议的实现成本变得越来越低,这意味着攻击的门槛也变得越来越低。在2009年,我的学生在研究OpenBTS的时候,就已经发现搭建的基站很容易把周围的手机吸入它的网络,这也许是国内最早的伪基站。只是那时,我们从未想到,伪基站会泛滥成如今的样子。本书作者黄琳是我的学生,一位具有丰富经验的无线通信领域的专家,对无线通信和无线电安全进行了长期深入研究和实践。2010年,她曾写过一本《GNU Radio入门》教程,在网络上影响很大。她还曾作为中国360UnicornTeam的唯一女性代表在第23届DEFCON世界黑客大会上发表演讲,在无线电安全领域产生了重要影响。《无线电安全攻防大揭秘》这本书,涵盖当前常见无线电多种应用的安全问题,内容讲解深入浅出、通俗易懂、可读性强,具备一般专业基础知识的读者均可阅读。本书既适合从事无线电安全领域的技术人员阅读,对无线电安全方面感兴趣的一般读者也可以通过本书对该领域有初步的了解。 王文博(北京邮电大学教授,研究生院常务副院长)推荐序2无线电安全是一个既年轻又古老的领域。有多古老呢?和无线电本身一样古老。1903年,当马可尼在伦敦皇家学院公开展示无线电通信时,他的竞争对手马斯基林就劫持了马可尼演示的通信。马斯基林在发射的信号中骂马可尼是“老鼠”、“欺骗公众的意大利佬”,弄得现场非常尴尬。直到今天,信号劫持及其防御,仍然是无线电安全领域的重要内容。二战期间,盟军成功破解纳粹用Enigma机加密的无线电报,大大改变了战局。盟军和纳粹当年在加密解密对抗上所做的工作,今天也仍是无线电安全领域的重要内容。随着时间的推移,无线电通信技术日趋先进、便捷和普及,无线电安全领域的攻防对抗也逐渐从神秘的实验室,走到了大众的身边。20世纪80年代,使用模拟信号的移动电话“大哥大”在香港流行,市面上也就随之出现了专门用于窃听“大哥大”的“小弟小”(粤语叫“细佬细”)。进入21世纪后,信息技术一日千里,作为其重要组成部分的数字无线电通信技术,也以惊人的速度在发展。然而,人们对这个领域安全对抗的了解却一度没有跟上。十几年前,黑市上刚出现GSM窃听装置时,还有不少通信领域的专家出来辟谣,认为GSM不可能被窃听。现在,GSM的不安全,至少在信息安全工作者中已经成为常识。今天,在智能手机的引领下,万物互联的趋势不可阻挡,也带动了各种无线通信技术的发展。当街边的大爷大妈也能随口说出“WiFi”、“GPS”这些词的时候,当家门口的电表也被接上天线的时候,无线电安全越来越多被大众关注也就不奇怪了。然而,相对软件安全领域,无线电安全人才还是比较缺乏的。我国每年培养的通信人才并不少,高校的安全专业建设这几年也逐渐跟上来了。但懂通信、会逆向,能拆能焊,又有攻防思维的跨界人才就比较稀罕了。而未来,这个领域会越来越重要。希望这本书能帮助更多对此有兴趣的年轻人走上无线电安全研究之路。无线传千里,攻防永不眠。于旸(腾讯玄武实验室总监,网名“tombkeeper”)推荐序3I first meet Yang Qing at Blackhat 2014 and was pleasantly surprised to learn such a young face leads a team on hardware security. Since then he has accomplished several works, ranging from GPS spoofing to designing various gadgets for protecting users’ security and privacy. When he told me about their book on wireless security, I was delighted because wireless security is such an important topic and needs much more attention and talents than what we have today.With the proliferation of wireless technologies, numerous emerging wireless devices have been woven into the fabric of our daily life, ranging from controlling our home appliances to making our vehicles automatically seek for help in emergency situations. Unfortunately, the security on these wireless devices has almost always lagged behind the plethora of the interests in integrating wireless technologies into almost everything. Granted that manufactories and designers have gradually increased their motivation in securing their devices, we have a long way to go. Spreading knowledge on wireless security is one of the critical efforts towards securing wireless devices, and this book serves as a good endeavor along this goal.Many academic books on wireless communication and wireless security are available, and many of them focus on the theoretical principles. This book is a collection of the systems works that Qing and his team have carried out in the past few years as well as the state of the art. The book covers a wide range of wireless devices, such as RFID, Bluetooth, Zigbee, GPS, and it contains many results, plots, screen-snapshots from real world experiments.This book can serve as a good tutorial for those who want to have their hand dirty and reproduce the prior findings. It can also be a good reference book for those who want to find out the off-the-shelf tools for exploring the wireless world. I hope this book can help to foster talents in wireless security and to teach them necessary skills to secure the wireless world for many years to come. 徐文渊(浙江大学教授,南卡大学终身教授)